
Santiago 餐边柜是这间现代餐厅的低调主角。我们的设计师采用斯堪的纳维亚美学风格,将深色木材、时尚陶瓷和有机饰品搭配在一起,形成和谐对比美感。成品兼具优雅和现代前卫感。

Minimalist dining room featuring a Santiago extendable dining table with a marble top, Santiago sideboard, and Seoul dining chairs with green cushions. Decor includes a Bubble vase, Ribbon vase, and a Paddle pendant light. The room has a round mirror on the sideboard and large windows.
Minimalist dining room featuring a Santiago extendable dining table with a marble top, Santiago sideboard, and Seoul dining chairs with green cushions. Decor includes a Bubble vase, Ribbon vase, and a Paddle pendant light. The room has a round mirror on the sideboard and large windows.


Santiago 餐边柜采用圆形桌面和优雅的弧形底座,带有优美的斜面细节,营造出简约而吸睛的美感。它是斯堪的纳维亚风格爱好者的理想单品。

Santiago 餐边柜上摆着植物、蜡烛和饰品,旁边放置一把 Seoul 餐椅,地板上放置着鞋子。