

現代客廳採用 Carmo 沙發、米色地毯和 Tivoli 咖啡桌。從大片窗戶俯瞰一棵樹。極簡裝潢。
Modern living room with a Carmo sofa, beige rug, and Tivoli coffee table. Large windows overlook a tree. Minimalist decor.


Tivoli 餐桌以混凝土製成,並採用印花石灰岩飾面,重新定義了現代優雅和創新設計。它有三種不同的形狀可供選擇,其核心大膽之處不僅在於其美感上的吸引力,還在於它能夠改變任何空間。

Tivoli 咖啡桌和一本放在 Carmo 沙發前的紋理地毯上敞開的書。

Ample living rooms with Tivoli

Creating a living room that seamlessly combines style, functionality, and comfort requires thoughtful selection of furniture and decor to any living room. A key element in achieving this balance is the choice of a coffee table that serves as both a functional centerpiece and a statement of design. The Tivoli coffee table by BoConcept embodies these qualities, offering a blend of natural elegance and contemporary sophistication that enhances any sitting room with it's bold aesthetic. Selecting the right furniture for a living room is similar to picking a dining table for your space.