

Minimalist dining room featuring an Augusta extendable dining table in ash ceramic, six Hamilton dining chairs in dusty green fabric, a Stockholm table lamp with a smoke-colored glass and black marble base, an olive Tide rug, a forest green Curve bowl, and a matt creme Ripple pendant light.
Minimalist dining room featuring an Augusta extendable dining table in ash ceramic, six Hamilton dining chairs in dusty green fabric, a Stockholm table lamp with a smoke-colored glass and black marble base, an olive Tide rug, a forest green Curve bowl, and a matt creme Ripple pendant light.

在 Augusta 享受歡聚時刻

Augusta 可延伸餐桌採用極簡設計和整合式延展板,既現代又精緻。充滿輕盈氣息,可輕鬆延伸,享受難忘的歡聚時刻。

Augusta 餐桌的俯視圖,旁邊有綠色 Hamilton 椅子、吊燈、書籍和置於紋理地毯上的杯子。