
談到極簡主義,主角非 Amsterdam 轉角沙發莫屬。這款經典沙發採用灰綠色布料,不僅讓人眼前一亮,還瞬間倍感溫暖。

現代起居室內有綠色的 Amsterdam 單元沙發、圓形 Santiago 咖啡桌、兩個 Eden 腳凳、一個 Nawabari 大腳凳和一個 Bermuda 腳凳、大型地板植物和極簡的牆面藝術品。
Modern living room with a green sectional Amsterdam sofa, round Santiago coffee table, two Eden footstools, one Nawabari big footstool and one Bermuda footstool, large floor plant, and minimal wall art.


Amsterdam 沙發擁有寬大的形狀和流暢的曲線,讓您的起居空間更顯奢華。優雅滾邊、修長的椅腳和柔軟的靠墊,打造出大膽的視覺宣言。

客廳配有綠色 Amsterdam 沙發、多種枕頭、米色 Nawabari 腳凳和綠色毯子,以及圓形 Santiago 咖啡桌。

Luxury living rooms

Creating a luxurious living room that exudes timeless elegance and modern sophistication is an art that combines design principles with your personal taste and style. At the heart of such a space is the choice of furniture, and the Amsterdam sofa stands out as a centerpiece focal point that embodies luxury, comfort, and contemporary design for a luxury living room.